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Is content marketing still relevant in 2024?

In an ever-evolving digital landscape, the relevancy of different marketing strategies are always being scrutinised.


Among these strategies, content marketing has been a stalwart with links back to 4200BC! Adapting and transforming to suit the changing dynamics of consumer behaviour and technological advancements, the realistic first use of content marketing was in 1732 when the Poor Richard’s Almanack was produced.


So, as we step into 2024, the question arises: Is content marketing still relevant?


We think the answer is, obviously, yes. And here’s why.


Despite what many people might tell you, content marketing isn’t merely confined to crafting SEO-optimized blog posts. It can’t be! SEO didn’t even exist in 1732!


It actually spans a vast spectrum of content formats, from videos, podcasts, infographics, and social media posts to whitepapers, webinars, and interactive tools.


No matter whether it’s 4200BC, 1732 or 2024, the core essence of content marketing remains the same. It’s about delivering valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience.


Content marketing in 2024


In 2024, content marketing is as important as ever and that’s down to several key factors!


Building trust and authority

In a world of misinformation and AI, trust has become one of the core foundations of consumer-brand relationships.


Creating high-quality, informative content establishes credibility, positioning your brand as an authoritative source within your industry.


This could be leadership articles, expert interviews, or comprehensive guides. The options are limitless!


Content marketing has a great knack for nurturing trust and fostering long-term relationships with your audience.


Enhancing the user experience

With social media and search engine algorithms prioritising user-centric content more and more, you need to ensure they are the centre of your content strategy.


No longer can you think about what you would like. It has to be what the consumer wants to see.


Whether you’re educating, entertaining or solving problems, content marketing allows you to build a connection with your audience in a way other marketing strategies can’t.


If you get this right, and bring value to them, you will see an uplift in positive engagements which will signal to the algorithms that your content is user-centric, ensuring your content gets seen by more people.


Adapting to consumer behaviour

Consumer behaviour is ever-evolving. And, at the moment, it is showing us that we want more content.


Spotify, TikTok, Netflix and all the other big players want more content because we are devoting more and more time to these platforms. And this is the same in the marketing world.


Audiences want more content delivered in different ways. And the more quality content you can produce, the more likely you are to hook them in.


Enhancing cross-channel effectiveness

With changes to UK law in recent uses and the increased impact of GDPR, connecting digital platforms has become more challenging even though it has arguably become even more important for marketers.


Content marketing, if implemented correctly, can allow brands to amplify brand visibility, maintain a consistent message and build relationships with their audience across the various digital platforms they use.


The wider marketing context

The importance of content marketing in 2024 extends beyond the tactics deployed, though.


Content marketing cannot, and should not, stand alone. It’s crucial to embed content strategies within the broader marketing framework. Combining it with elements such as social media marketing, email marketing, influencer partnerships, and paid advertising, creates a holistic approach, maximising impact and ROI.


In fact, content marketing should be understood in the context of the wider business objectives too. Aligning content strategies with overarching business goals ensures that each piece of content contributes to the larger narrative, driving measurable outcomes—be it lead generation, sales, brand awareness, or customer retention.                 


Wrapping up

The year 2024, as has any other year, presents both challenges and opportunities for content marketers.


Staying ahead is all about listening to your audience and embracing emerging trends while staying authentic!


Content marketing remains an indispensable cornerstone of marketing strategies in 2024 and any brands not embracing it are missing a huge opportunity.


If you’re not sure where to start with your content marketing strategy, contact us today.

Until next time, thanks for reading.

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